Achievement+ Perspective+ Perseverance




The 5K fundraiser is 3-Fold:  Charity, Team, and Club.

⚽️ Charity: WSA recognizes the call to serve and engage.  We understand we share stresses and challenges created by local and global changes over the past 4 years with othersWhere we can help we should.  This fundraiser will target helping two charities selected by our membership, and led by our Player's Leadership Council. 

⚽️ Team: Teams likewise have expenses, and have been impacted at a family and player level financially.  The need for teams to raise funds to help offset the necessary expenses of participation for players is critical.  The team's will retain up to 100% of their donations after reaching the club-wide minimum quotas, and smaller percentages for donations below the 100% threshold.  

⚽️ Club: As mentioned above WSA Soccer is targeting to continue to expand, not shrink, it's ongoing Need-Based Financial Assistance efforts.  And in line with the club's Mission to "Challenge the Status Quo", the club will embark on efforts to create legacy type visions for capital improvements under the club's Field of Dreams vision: To Build the Best.