Achievement+ Perspective+ Perseverance



Severe Weather Policy

Game Day and Training Weather Policy

Severe Weather Policy




Weather forecasts will be monitored by site coordinators daily and weekly.  On days of threatening weather hourly monitoring will take place and mass communication to the coaching and managing staff will take place via media outlets, email, hotline, and text messaging to alert teams of severe weather threats. 


I.               One long sound of the air horn signifies all training and games are to be suspended and all participants, coaches, parents, players will take shelter.  Or message via club text or media outlets, or message from a club officer, team leader, or site coordinator on site.  

II.             The club’s lightning detector (weather app) is utilized on nights of severe weather.  Fields are closed if lightning is detected within a 10-mile radius of the facility.   

III.           If lightning is detected within 10 miles, a “warning blast” (one long blast) is sounded by the air horn located in the clubhouse and/or concession area (centralized).  For main events air horns are located on the perimeter of the facility to help relay the signal quickly.  For routine training nights, the multiple air horns may be dispersed among the club leadership to help signify the alert.  Club leaders will monitor evacuation making certain all fields are cleared.  All participants will be directed to cars (if numbers allow to inside the concession or clubhouse areas).  

IV.           If fields are closed due to lighting, the “assigned site coordinator” will wait 30 minutes.  If no lightning strikes are detected for a period of 30 minutes a second blast of the air horn will signify fields are reopened.  The “all clear” signal will be two short blasts. 

V.            If lightning is shown to have moved away from the facility, outside of the 10 mile range, and if for a contiguous period of 15 minutes no lightning strikes are detected within the 10-mile range, and weather app radars show definitive clearing behind the storm, then a site coordinator may reopen facilities.  The weather pattern should then be observed every 5 minutes for the next hour by the site coordinator, and if any lightning returns to within 10 miles, then repeat steps III and IV.  

VI.             If fields are closed due to threat of tornado or high winds the site coordinator team will assess the time frame for evacuation, including traffic in other areas of the facility.  If there is reasonable time to get all vehicles out of the facility an evacuation of the facility will be carried out.  North and south gates of the parking lot will be opened at Case Community Rivercity and West Bank (if needed two lanes will be opened to exit the park).  At other facilities, both ingress and egress pathways will be used to exit the facility. 

VII.           If it is determined there is not time to evacuate the facility due to tornado or high winds threat, then participants will be directed to safe areas

Safe areas at Case Community Rivercity Parks
have been determined to be the men’s and women’s restroom, and the east lying creek bed.  Safe areas at West Bank Sports Complex are low side of the east embankment, west ditch, or inside men's and women's restroom.  Safe areas at other WSA Facilities will be determined by Club Leaders and officials on site. 

All participants will be directed to these “safe areas” during imminent threat of high winds or tornado.